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CTS Corporation

CTS Corporation

CTS Electronic Components is a division of CTS Corporation. The division has five product lines: Electrocomponents, Filters, Frequency Control, Resistors, and Thermal Management Solutions. The company manufactures an extensive array of frequency-control devices, ceramic RF filters and duplexers, EMI/RFI filters, capacitors, DIP and rotary switches, rotary and linear potentiometers, encoders, resistor and resistor/capacitor networks, and heat management components. With manufacturing locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Hopkinton, Massachusetts; Nogales, Mexico; Singapore; Zhongshan and Tianjin, China; and Kaohsiung, Taiwan; CTS is able to serve major markets such as medical, defense and aerospace, industrial controls, power management, HVAC, security, lighting, audio, communications, computer, and electronic networking.
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