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Cymbet Corporation

Cymbet Corporation

Cymbet is a leader in solid state energy storage and ultra-low power battery and power management solutions. The company's EnerChip solid state rechargeable micro-batteries provide designers with solutions that enable product miniaturization in medical, RFID, industrial controls, asset tracking, communications, and other low power devices. EnerChips are safe, non-flammable, bio-compatible, and can be integrated in surface mount packages, supplying system-in-package power. Cymbet's semiconductor products include battery management and Real-Time Clock (RTC) integrated circuits. New products include the CBC921 PMRTC, combining ultra-low power RTC with battery and power management functions as well as an on-chip temperature sensor. Visit Cymbet to learn how they can meet your needs for safe, miniature, integrated energy storage and power management in your low power designs.
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